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Why The Place to be Gallery is The Place to Sell Your Work

The Place to be Gallery is a platform for all forms of art. We aim to build a community where the creator can showcase their work to the world.

We will help you sell and promote your work in an easy and comfortable way.

Listing on The Place to be Gallery is free of charge. We only charge a commission fee of 10% on products sold as part of our Ethical Earning Initiative.

How to Join

To join The Place to be Gallery is a simple process. Just send us a request via the contact form on the website or send an email to along with a few pictures of work from your portfolio. Once the request has been submitted you will be notified of your application status.

Terms And Conditions

Once your request to join The Place to be Gallery has been accepted, send us your artist profile and work to be displayed on the website. Please use a DSLR, SLR, or high quality camera phone to take pictures of your work that will be displayed on the website. The better the quality is the more chance of your work being sold.

Pricing Your Work

It is very important that you explain to prospective buyers the reason for your works pricing. You should consider the following: Is your work unique ? How much did it cost to produce your work ? Has your work appeared in exhibitions ? Have you won any awards or prizes ? Please include The Place to be Gallery's 10% commission fee when pricing your work. If you need further advice and guidance please dont hesitate to contact us.

Tell The Story Behind Your Work

The story behind your work is vital when trying to sell it so provide as much information as possible so any interested buyers will understand you.

Artist Profile

Give as much information about yourself so a connection can be established with the global audience that will be viewing your work.

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Promoting Yourself

Please share your The Place to be Gallery profile on your website and social media. Talk to everyone you know and spread the word.

What Happens When my Work is Sold

1. Customer Interested In Your Work

We will notify you about the customers interest in your work and request for the cost of shipping to their address.

2. Shipping Cost

Please provide accurate shipping costs including transit insurance from the location of the work to the buyers address. The buyer will decide if they would like to proceed with the purchase after review.

3. Status Check Of Work

Once the buyer has confirmed they want to purchase your work, you will be informed by email and required to take images of your work before and after packing.

4. Shipping To The Buyers Address

After the status check has been completed, you will be informed by email and then required to ship your work to the buyers address. You will also need to record a short video of yourself and your work clearly saying the buyers name and confirming the buyer has purchased your work. This will serve as a certificate of authenticity along with any other written or digital documentation.

Tiers of Merit System (TOMS)

The Place to be Gallery has put in place a tiers of merit system (TOMS) that will function as an impartial and open means of evaluating the calibre of an artist’s or designers work while offering the most effective means of guaranteeing their acknowledgement and financial compensation.

We have been working on ways to decentralise the system as much as possible and remove the majority of authority from ourselves and the more powerful and well-established organisations involved in the decision making process. This arrangement, in our opinion, gives the general public, who will be endorsing and purchasing the artists’ and designers’ creations, more influence and decision making authority.

How the System Works

The way the system operates is through a tier system with 5 distinct tiers. An artist or designer can begin at the first tier and work their way up to the top tier depending on how much money they have made from the sales of their items. For instance, tier 5 is where aspiring artists and designers might join the tier system in the beginning of their careers.

There is a maximum fee that designers and artists can charge for their work at each tier. They will advance to the next tier after they have accrued the maximum amount of money possible from sales made through The Place to be Gallery for that tier. The pricing ranges that artists and designers can choose for their creations are higher than those of the tiers they previously occupied. As they advance to the next tier and ultimately the last tier, which is tier 1, the total amount they must acquire likewise rises.

There is no maximum amount that artists and designers can charge for their work once they have reached tier one. Since they would have attained elite level and rank, they can charge whatever they want.


Offers And Payment Options

You will be kept updated on any offers made for your work throughout the process. When you accept an offer we will arrange payment to be sent to you within 30 business days. 

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Credit / Debit Cards

There are various payment options we facilitate

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Cash / Bank Transfer

Fast and secure

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Crypto Currency

24/7, easy, and efficient

What You Can Sell With The Place To Be Gallery

Are You Ready To Sell Your Work ?

It’s free to submit your work so don’t delay and contact us today.

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